The sky is the limit

Giant outdoor swing activity in Essex

At 18m tall our twin Giant Swing (3G swing) is an exhilarating activity which encourages participants to set their own goals and push their comfort zones. They’ll also build confidence and trust within their group. The group work together to hoist two of their teammates at a time up in the air as high (or low) as they dare. When ready, the riders pull the ripcord to release themselves and feel the G-forces as they soar back and forth.


Learning Outcomes

Click below to find out what learning outcomes this activity promotes.

Being able to accept failure at a task is often one of the hardest things for young people to do. Seeing this as an opportunity for growth is even harder! Essex Outdoors instructors have been trained to ensure that young people participating in our activities are able to develop high levels of resilience and perseverance; as well as developing a sense or humour that will help them to see the lighter side of failing in front of their friends and peers.

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, this confidence is often missing from their academic work. Accepting that perfection cannot always be achieved is a hindrance in the progression of many young people’s academic performance. By taking an attitude of perseverance towards the Essex Outdoors activities, our customers are able to develop their levels of confidence.

Clear communication skills are vital in any workplace industry and young people need to learn this skill early on. The ability to communicate your ideas and points of view, on a coherent and concise fashion will make you stand out from the crowd. By participating in Essex Outdoors activities your students will develop their ability to communicate successfully in a variety of different situations, including being able to accurately and successfully put across their thoughts and ideas in higher pressured environments.

People will naturally take on different roles when working in a team. Successful team work is an essential life skill; it is important to acknowledge that there are many different types of successful team work and that throughout their lives, young people will have to take on different roles. Participating in Essex Outdoors activities will allow your students to experience and excel in a range of different roles within a team.

We all know how hard it can be to commit to studying; especially when you have limited interest in your subject area. Research from Learning Away has shown that after a residential trip a high percentage of children feel more committed to their studies. It is common place that the level of maturity of young people increases after they have attended a residential fieldtrip, resulting in an increase in commitment.

Where can I try this?


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This activity is suitable for

Primary Schools
Secondary Schools
Colleges & FE
Corporate customers


Suitable for most access requirements please contact us for assistance.
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